The Relate Program
Overview of Program:
The Relate Program is offered by the Rehabilitation Centre for Children, and is housed in the SSCY building.
The program provides education and consultation to caregivers and professionals supporting Autistic children, and those with other neurodevelopmental difficulties, who are experiencing challenges related to social communication development, relationships, and behaviour. We are here to help caregivers who are finding it hard to connect with their child.
They help caregivers and professionals find strategies that work for the child and family to guide the child’s social behavior and learning related to communication, forming relationships, flexible thinking, attention, and co-regulation. Throughout the year we provide workshops to professionals such as school teams, child care facilities, and allied health staff. The program also offers a 6-week group education program for caregivers (The Relate Parent Learning Series). These sessions explore core neurodevelopmental challenges that are understood to interfere with social communication and social behavior related to Autism. When caregivers better understand these vulnerabilities, parent-child feedback system and parent-child relationships improve. Participants will also learn about accommodations that support attachment, co-regulation, attention maintenance, emotional arousal, flexible thinking, and integrated social thinking.
Meet Your Team:
The Relate Program Team consists of a part-time registered Speech-Language Pathologist who is also a Relationship Development Intervention® Consultant and an Administrative Assistant.
How to Access the Program:
Self-referrals are accepted for the Relate Parent Learning Series (RPLS) by calling the Administrative Assistant at the number below. Participants can register for Relate Program workshops by completing and submitting the Workshop Registration Form by fax or email. At this time, most of the Relate Program services are offered virtually and in-person as needed. There are no additional fees or for families accessing these health care services. The workshops for professionals are subject to a nominal fee. Payment is accepted by credit card, cash or cheque.
Find and Contact Us:
To register for Relate Program services, please call our Administrative Assistant at (204) 258-6500 or fax:(204) 477-5547 or email Please note, personal health information is not to be shared through email.
Extra Information:
To learn more about the RDI Program: