DIR Stage 5 At a Glance: Words, Ideas and Imagination

This post is part of a series, taking a quick look at each of the developmental capacities as described by Stanley Greenspan and Serena Wieder in their DIR/Floortime framework.  As a child grows, they add new skills to what they learned in the previous stages.  You can find the list of related posts here. After children have become comfortable with interactive […]

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Parent Seminar: Guiding Potential and Restoring Hope

Maintaining your long term perspective for your child with autism leads to meaningful growth and learning (and restores hope along the way!) RDI (Relationship Development Intervention) offers strategies to build parent-child relationships to help the child grow. We will explore the importance of trusting your instincts as a parent to maintain your long term perspective towards your child’s development, and […]

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Introducing Me: Teaching New Friends About Autism

Should your child’s peers know what autism is, and that your child has it? The answer depends on the child and the situation.  Our family decided early on that it would be more helpful than harmful, and so every year, when our children enter school, we have made sure that there is an opportunity for our children’s new classmates to […]

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Telling Tales: Supporting Personal Storytelling in Children with Autism

We tell ourselves stories and live by the stories we tell ourselves. -Joan Didion Recently I had coffee with a friend. We talked about the trip he and his wife took to Vietnam. He told me about the beautiful places they saw, and also about the homeless woman he met outside his hotel. He talked about their friendly greetings every […]

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