These are strange times. The current Covid-19 emergency has suddenly put us at the beginning of a time of family […]

It may not seem like it if you look out the window, but February and March are the months to plan for summer! If your child would enjoy a weeklong summer adventure, here’s a list for you. These are a few; feel free to comment below about other opportunities you know about! Not all programs for the general population offer […]
Read moreThis month, a number of families of children with autism received a letter. The content of that letter has raised a lot of questions in the Manitoba Autism community. In Manitoba, families of children with disabilities are supported by Children’s disAbility Services. Each child has a case manager, often referred to as a family services worker. This person’s job is […]
Read moreThese are strange times. The current Covid-19 emergency has suddenly put us at the beginning of a time of family isolation. As parents of kids with disabilities, we are used to having a circle of support to keep our kids engaged and learning. Now it’s on us. We still have other things we have to do. How is this going […]
Read moreAlfie Kohn thinks a lot about parenting and teaching kids. He’s a well known leader and expert in education – if you’re a teacher, you’ve probably read something written by him. Recently he turned his attention to the research – and differences between – autism therapies. In the following article, he starts by reviewing the ethical concerns about ABA, and […]
Read moreUpdate: This research project is complete, and Manitoba Education has published a guide for educators and parents for guidance to define and to limit restraint and seclusion in schools. A researcher at the University of Manitoba is interested in learning about the use of restraint and seclusion in schools from the perspectives of parents/guardians of children with disabilities. Parents or […]
Read moreBy Rosanne Papadopoulos What is Self-regulation? and what does it have to do with parenting or teaching? Saturday morning and I am feeling self-regulated! After a long week of work, I had a great sleep, am sitting next to the warmth of the first fall woodstove fire, on my soft high-backed chair, listening to the wind and the waves of […]
Read moreLooking for research participants! In his book Engaging Autism, Stanley Greenspan said that Floortime for older kids can look like conversation. We all have times in the day with our kids when there’s not much else to do but chat. This study is looking at how to help parents use those opportunities for conversation to help children and teens talk […]
Read moreThe Attachment Network of Manitoba is a committee of professionals who are interested in promoting secure attachment across the lifespan. Attachment – the capacity to form and maintain healthy emotional relationships – is important for everyone, and the Network has decided to focus on this topic with respect to children with autism at their conference in March. How can healthy emotional […]
Read moreGordon Neufeld is a well known developmental psychologist, writer and presenter, perhaps best known for his work on attachment between parents and their children. Martin Brokenleg is a psychologist noted for his work with First Nations and at-risk children. They will be presenting together in Winnipeg on November 21-23. If you want to learn more about the importance of relationships […]
Read moreA couple of years ago, my son had cancer. During his treatment and recuperation, he developed an interest in Youtube cooking videos. As he got better, I wondered if that could lead to an interest in real-life cooking. We enrolled in the Saturday Cooking Club at the Rehabilitation Centre for Children. Each session focuses on one open-ended recipe. To start, […]
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