Seminars at the Rehabilitation Centre for Children
Between waiting lists and age cut-offs, it can be hard to find support for your child with autism. But one of the most helpful organizations in Winnipeg is the Rehabilitation Centre for Children. In addition to the Relate program (which does have a wait list and entry criteria), they offer some excellent short-term learning opportunities for families and caregivers of children with developmental disabilities.
If you are an educator or therapist, there are also learning opportunities for you.
Here’s what’s coming up.
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Workshop Descriptions 2014-2015 or Registration form 2014-15.
Promoting Flexible Thinking and Interaction with Your Child At Home
Intended for: parents and caregivers
Fall Session: Tuesday evenings, 7:00 to 8:30, from September 23rd to November 4th, 2014.
Winter Session: Tuesday evenings, 7:00 to 8:30, from February 10th to March 24th, 2015.
Spring Session: Thursday mornings, 10:00 to 11:30, from April 9th to May 21st, 2015.
Cost: $25 for the series.
disability on this natural process and on family life. Small changes in the caregiver’s approach to the child can have a big impact on the child’s thinking processes; in each session there will be
opportunity for discussion, practice, and a small homework assignment will help you to integrate the ideas once you get home to your child.
Two Day Relate Program Workshop
Intended for: family members, educators and school teams
Fall Session: September 25/October 2, 2014 (9:15 to 3:30)
Winter Session: February 12/19, 2015 (9:15 to 3:30)
Cost: $30 per day
Day 1: Introduction to Dynamic Intelligence and the Guiding Relationship
This workshop introduces some of the core concepts used in The Relate Program at RCC, which is based on Relationship Development Intervention®. The workshop will probe the topic of dynamic intelligence, and explore the importance of dynamic thinking and communicating in real life situations. The workshop will also explore guided participation, a natural, time proven method of teaching children. When children with challenges in dynamic
thinking are systematically guided through developmental stages of thinking and communicating, they can improve their social competency, communication and ability to participate flexibly in our dynamic world.
Day 2: Becoming an Effective Guide
In this second full day workshop, participants are introduced the essentials of guided participation. The workshop explores the concept of cognitive apprenticeship, and how the learning relationship between adult and child evolves. Topics covered include setting up active partnerships between guide and apprentice, programming in the zone of proximal development, becoming aware of our guiding actions, modifying the guide’s communication style and creating positive memories of learning.
…And More!
Additional courses offered to both parents and professionals include:
- Boardmaker one-day seminars, Beginner and Advanced
- Proloquo2Go and Pictello
- Creating Picture Based Language Stimulation Materials
and Adapted Books
And for professionals only (including Speech-language pathologists, classroom teachers, resource teachers and occupational therapists):
- Getting to Guiding
- Guiding Language Development
To register for any of these seminars, mail the Registration form 2014-15 and payment to the Rehabilitation Centre for Children.
Questions? All inquiries may be directed to Yvonne Kash, administrative assistant, at 204-453-9821, or