Seminars at the Rehabilitation Centre for Children

Between waiting lists and age cut-offs, it can be hard to find support for your child with autism.  But one of the most helpful organizations in Winnipeg is the Rehabilitation Centre for Children.  In addition to the Relate program (which does have a wait list and entry criteria), they offer some excellent short-term learning opportunities for families and caregivers of […]

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A Brief Introduction to Relationship Development Intervention

 Editor’s Note:  DIR/Floortime and RDI have some principles in common.  Both are based in developmental psychology, and both build strong relationships between children and caregivers to help children move along developmental pathways.  The emphasis is different, but we appreciate the wisdom both approaches contribute to our parenting!   The RDI®program is a result of fifteen years of ongoing development and […]

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Meltdowns and the Senses: The Two Go Hand and Hand

Recently, I noticed my five year old daughter was not screaming and going into meltdown frenzy when I would vacuum. In the beginning, having the vacuum out and getting ready to clean would send my daughter into an instant meltdown. For the last four years, I was only able to vacuum when my husband took her for a walk or […]

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