For Volunteers

ADAPT is a small, informal organization, but our only limitation is the time and energy of the people who make things happen.  Here are some ways you can help:

Share Your Story

We’re looking for stories about families who have benefited from RDI, DIR/Floortime, or any developmental approach.  Are you willing to share how a therapy helped your child?  We’d be happy either to interview you, or to publish your writing. It can be as simple as a description of a therapy session or a successful moment in your child’s life, or a more general story of what you’ve done and learned.

We’re also looking for recommendations of services or programs that were helpful to you, places in Manitoba that are autism-friendly, or books or toys or activities that support the learning and growth of children.  Contact us if you have an idea or an article.


We’d like to offer occasional opportunities for families to have fun together. We also plan to offer an information evening with a parent forum and an opportunity to learn from a therapist.   If you’d like to help plan one, let us know!


Our group meets periodically to make plans and keep things going.  We are always in need of fresh people and ideas.  If you are interested in supporting ADAPT with your time, we would welcome you.


If you value developmental therapies, we really hope you tell provincial politicians and the providers of those services. We’ve got a list of people to write to here, as well as some sample letters. Let us know if you write or call a politician – we value your support!

You can contact us through social media, or at

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