Inclusive Education Resources

Once your child is in school, how do you know what you should expect?  Sometimes problems arise.  Where do you go for advice? There are several made-in-Manitoba documents that exist to help parents know what to expect from their child’s school, and how to effectively resolve problems that arise. A Parent’s Guide to Inclusive Education – Community Living Manitoba Community […]

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A Girl and Her Dog

Service dogs are fast becoming an accepted and recognized support for children and adults with autism.  In addition to helping with safety concerns such as wandering, service dogs also provide social-emotional and sensory support that can help children cope with a sometimes chaotic world, give them opportunities to interact and play, and even help them sleep well.  Here is one family’s story. […]

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Book Review: The Autism Acceptance Book

Everyone you know and everyone you will ever meet is special and different in some way.  The world would be a boring place if people were all the same. It’s our differences that make us all unique and interesting. That’s the starting point of the Autism Acceptance Book by Ellen Sabin, written to help elementary school students look beyond the […]

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Best Playgrounds in Winnipeg

Outdoor play is good for kids.  It’s a natural form of exercise, it encourages kids to stretch their capabilities, physically and in their imaginations.  Being outdoors helps with sensory and emotional regulation.  Playgrounds provide settings that facilitate interaction and communication, as well. It’s good for parents to be outside too, providing a break in home routines and an opportunity for […]

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Getting Out There: RDI in the Summertime

Originally published on RDI Connect. Those of us raising children in Canada are keenly aware of and attuned to the seasons and their impact on the flow of our daily lives. There is nothing like living through a harsh, bitterly cold winter, then being able to throw off our winter boots and mitts on the first warm, sweet spring day. When the temperatures […]

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Book Review: Not What I Expected: Help and Hope for Parents of Atypical Children

“The truth of this book and the truth of your journey from diagnosis to acceptance is that unless you acknowledge your own vulnerability and develop your ability for self-compassion, your growth as a parent will not fully be complete. Guilt and self-blame are heavy stones in your boat as you row down this river. Compassion for yourself is wind in […]

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Summer Planning

 Summer has finally come, and many of us are thinking about how to make the summer days both fun and productive. Here are three principles that will guide our family’s summertime choices: 1.  Build on Their Interests When our kids are interested in something, they’re often really interested.  This can either be a problem or an opportunity.  Paula Kluth’s book […]

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