New Resources, New Logo!

ADAPT exists to help parents learn more about developmental therapies for supporting children with autism. This fall, Community Living Manitoba offered us a grant to do just that. ADAPT has used the opportunity to create two documents: A brochure for parents of newly diagnosed children, offering encouragement and perspective, with a little advice on how to keep the wellness of […]

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A Brief Introduction to Relationship Development Intervention

 Editor’s Note:  DIR/Floortime and RDI have some principles in common.  Both are based in developmental psychology, and both build strong relationships between children and caregivers to help children move along developmental pathways.  The emphasis is different, but we appreciate the wisdom both approaches contribute to our parenting!   The RDI®program is a result of fifteen years of ongoing development and […]

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The Whole Child: What Parents Need to Know About Floortime

When our children were diagnosed with autism, we found out why they responded to the world in the ways they did. After the diagnosis, it seemed my husband and I asked ourselves two questions: What do we do now? And which program do we choose? Many sites on the internet did not paint a picture of hope that our children […]

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