Speech in Motion Equals Connected Kids

The book by America X Gonzalez, Lois Jean Brady and Jim Elliot, Speech in Action: Interactive Activities Combining Speech Language Pathology and Adaptive Physical Education gives parents and support staff plenty of activities which compliment nicely with Floortime fundamentals to bring together language and movement. What is Speech in Action? Speech in Action is a combination of speech therapy and […]

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Book Review: Calm, Alert and Learning

Something innovative is happening in Canadian schools – particularly in British Columbia, Ontario and Saskatchewan. It all has to do with self-regulation: the ability to remain calm, alert and ready to learn. The Canadian Self-Regulation Initiative is a project based on the research of Dr. Stuart Shanker of York University.  The goal is to to coordinate and share the best […]

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A Trip to the Library

Books and reading are important in our house.  My husband and I are both readers, and we believe reading is an important foundation of learning at any age.  When our children were born, we filled our bottom bookshelves with books for babies and toddlers, and got ready…but there was a glitch.  Both of our children were very averse to letting […]

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A Brief Introduction to Relationship Development Intervention

 Editor’s Note:  DIR/Floortime and RDI have some principles in common.  Both are based in developmental psychology, and both build strong relationships between children and caregivers to help children move along developmental pathways.  The emphasis is different, but we appreciate the wisdom both approaches contribute to our parenting!   The RDI®program is a result of fifteen years of ongoing development and […]

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Back to School: Inclusion and Universal Design

The air is getting crisp, and September is approaching… If you have very young children, maybe they’re getting set to enjoy nursery school or kindergarten. Their classrooms are child-centered – lots of opportunities to play with a variety of toys, to explore and learn at centres, to interact in small groups with adult support at the developmental level that they […]

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An Interview With Jonathan Alderson

A few weeks ago I came across a great web site www.ChallengeTheMyths.com. It was a site that debunks the negative stereo types that our ASD children face including: Children with autism can’t share affection. Repetitious behaviour (stims) are bad and should be stopped. Children with autism should be pushed to socialize as early as possible. ABA is the only evidence-based treatment for […]

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